Hyenas in the Temples of Pleasure

Populist (2014)


Featuring two large-scale pieces by Andrew McIntosh, this is the first full-length album of his works. The centerpiece of the album is a quartet for Yarn/Wire combining conventional and custom-built instruments. The rest of the album consists of the Symmetry Etudes, a book of eight pieces for two clarinets and violin hear here for the first time in their entirety. CD includes an 8-page full color booklet.

More information and ordering here.

Symmetry Etudes
Tracks 1-4: Etude V, II, III, IV.

Hyenas in the Temples of Pleasure
5. I
6. II
7. III
8. IV

Symmetry EtudesTracks 9-10: Etude I, VI, VII, VIII

Beth Beauchamp